I am trying, really trying very hard, to keep control of my burgeoning World Eaters force. Never wanted them to be a big army, just a few units here and there to say I have done them. That’s all.

The issues started when not one but two World Eaters Combat Patrols landed on my desk (it was an accident, I swear!), which meant I had four full squads of Berzerkers, and then not one but two Chaos Terminators sets arrived… I might have to acknowledge that the army is growing…

Leaving that very much first world problem aside, I managed to pick up a Maulerfiend and, given how quick this paint scheme is to implement, he was polished off in double-quick time this weekend.

Now, with this set you get a choice between the aforementioned Maulerfiend and the heavy weapons-totting Forgefiend. The Maulerfiend, with its close combat focus, is very much the obvious choice for World Eaters, but there is much to be said for having some long-ranged firepower when the best your foot troops can muster in high-strength shooting is a 12″ Plasma Pistol.

So, naturally, I plumped for yet more close combat. What can I say, once the World Eaters get an idea in their heads…

If I am to be honest with myself, the Predator and Land Raiders destined for the World Eaters cannot get here soon enough.

The paint scheme for the Maulerfiend is exactly the same as for the World Eaters’ Rhinos, with the exception that there is no light blue on it. Really wanted a flash of blue somewhere on this model, but just could not see a reasonable place to put it. So, I instead (over)compensated with the gore and blood spatter – entirely appropriate for a daemon engine of Khorne, I figured.

With this chap done, I am beginning to get to the end of my World Eaters’ stint, I think. A Predator and Helbrute are in the mail and heading to me right now and, after them, I will be tackling a couple of Land Raiders and some Eightbound (if GW ever bring them back into stock). After that… not sure, the army might be ‘done’. Could add a Heldrake and a Daemon Prince I suppose, and I have twenty Jakhals knocking about, but I cannot imagine the Berzerkers taking those guys seriously… We’ll have to see what comes next.

In the meantime though, I am having a little Age of Sigmar diversion with a brand new unit for a brand new army. We’ll see how I got on with them next time…