While doing the Blacktalons, I lumped in three Stormcast heroes that I had lying around – the thinking being that if they are all getting the same Hammers of Sigmar paint scheme it will be quicker to do them altogether. The downside, of course, is that if they are all heroes, they will all have their own little unique details… which takes time.

Still, after a couple of false starts, I managed to get them polished off – a Knight-Relictor, a Lord-Imperatant (needed for the Thondia campaign I am planning for the future), and the limited edition Knight-Arcanum Mordern Tzane.

The Knight-Relictor was possibly the easiest model in this group to do, as his black robes have no inner-lining to contend with and he has relatively little detail (especially when compared to his boss, the Lord-Relictor).

Now, in terms of detailing, Knight-Arcanum Mordern Tzane is the simplest of all three… but he has the dreaded white inner lining in his robes. The reason this is such an issue (and why I began hating the Sacrosanct chamber with a passion) is that white is possibly the nastiest colour to paint, and I was doing it on top of a Retributor Armour gold undercoat – which makes it a complete pain.

Still, with just a handful of models overall to do, I can live with it. Not looking forward to the Vigilors that I am planning to do soon as they seem to have more robes than is strictly necessary…

Mind you, the posing on this model is quite nice. However, you do get the feeling that Knight-Arcanums are the Space Marine Lieutenants of the Mortal Realms, as we have had quite a few of them over the past few years.

Finally, the Lord-Imperatant, with his Gryph-Puppy. A bit more detail than the others but not a massive bear to approach. Frankly, he was somewhat easier to do than some of the Blacktalons,.

I have pretty much made the decision to paint up the new edition Stormcasts as Hallowed Knights (only the faithful!), leaving the Hammers of Sigmar as a little self-contained force. They will be needed for the Thondia campaign and so one unit each of Vindictors and Vigilors must also be added, but I think that will be it.

After that, it will be Hallowed Knights all the way (with perhaps some additions for Ionus Cryptborn’s black-armoured dragon guys…).