In my headlong rush to finish projects before the new edition of Age of Sigmar lands on my desk, I painted up a unit of spear-wielding Vindictors for the Hammers of Sigmar. Intended for the Thondia campaign (at some point, it needs a big Beasts of Chaos army that I will be starting from scratch…), these are the first Vindictors I have ever done.

So, given they appeared in the Dominion box set, I am only one edition behind on them…

Still, they came up rather nicely and, lacking cloaks or robes, they are quick to do. Not Slapchop quicky, given their mostly metallic nature, but still fast. They are very similar to the new Liberators coming in the Skaventide box set, so I took some clues on how to approach those models. I am currently leaning towards Slapchopping Hallowed Knights, but with the mostly-metal Liberators starting with a Leadbelcher undercoat and washing then drybrushing the entire model. I will then go back to the blue and white areas and apply a kind of Slapchop prep to them.

Think that will be quicker and will let them sit nicely alongside the more complicated Heroes who, due to a much smaller surface area being metal (seriously, take a look at them, lots of non-metal detailing), will be much faster to do with Slapchop from head to toe. This will let me use the same colours on the blues and related colours without variation.

I am expecting the new edition to arrive today – or at the very latest tomorrow – and am intending to drop everything and dive right into that box, building then painting. Hallowed Knights first (to be finished by Monday, he said…), followed by a bunch of new rats next week.

Still, I might just be able to find time to finish one more project, just one, before Skaventide arrives…