I think this is the first of the models that people were really waiting for from the Conquest magazine – a really big Primaris Dreadnought!

This is the Easy-to-Build version so, predictably, it was built very quickly (hard to take longer than 15 minutes, really). It was also well-timed, as it arrived at the same time as the Stormspear models so I could paint them all together for maximum efficiency!


The timing was pure luck, actually, as Hachette Partworks (the people behind the magazine) actually skipped a shipment to me – you should be ready about Lord Felthius and his Cohort here, but those issues did not get sent to me (in full fairness to Hachette, once made aware of the problem they fixed it within days – Lord Felthius will be appearing soon!).


In terms of size versus time, this has to be one of the most efficient models around – ten minutes to build (fifteen if you take care on the ‘nubs’ left from the sprue), and not a great deal of time to paint. Spray Macragge Blue, drybrush edges with Fenrisian Grey and then corners with Etherium Blue, then do the metalwork (less than it may first appear on this model.


Then you are just left with the details – black, gold, a few wires and pipes…

And then done!

The Redemptor was so quick to paint that it somewhat outpaced the Shadowspear marines but never fear, they are on their way!