Slapchopping Underworlds warbands takes no time at all so, I thought, if I were doing those so quickly, why not add a little something from 40k that can also be Slapchopped? I had picked up the Kill Team set of Inquisitorial Agents because… well, I had already done the Rogue Trader Combat Patrol, and with the Codex: Agents of the Imperium (apparently) on its way, I figured these guys would not go amiss.

A group of six misfits (plus a Servo Skull) who have all the responsibility of the Inquisition, but none of the authority. Reminded me nicely of the old Dark Heresy RPG.

The Interrogator leads the group and while the others have options that really do make them completely different models, I am not sure there is enough within the entire unit to justify getting a second. However, they go together quickly enough and were a doddle to paint – the only thing that slowed the process down was the greater quantity of (non-Slapchopped) metal details and the fact that they all sport different colours, so there is no ‘sweeping’ through every model with each colour.

However, I maintained some themes. For example, most of the models have Flesh Tearers Red as a ‘spot’ colour somewhere, such as the icon on the Bearer, the gun of the Servitor, and the lapels on the Interrogator himself, the darker red linking quite nicely to the Inquisition as a whole.

Not sure how these guys will perform on the bigger battlefield (they really are not ‘frontline’ troops), but they are fun models and I figure they might be sent to accompany a Rogue Trader to keep them vaguely honest – still hoping to be able to do an all Rogue Trader army with the new Codex, however a forlorn hope that may be.

With these done, I am going to be taking a (probably very) short break from painting to sink a few vessels in World of Warships, but I already have a couple of models lined up on the painting table that will hopefully finish off my little Troggoth force!