With two Warlord titans under my belt for Adeptus Titanicus, attention was turned to the Questoris Knights that came with the set. Though diminutive next to the big battle titans, our initial games had already demonstrated that their mobility would cause even a mighty Warlord problems.

I have yet to decide which of the ‘Loyalist’ households I am going to do (as the Prospero campaign somewhat muddies the waters as to who is traitor and who is loyalist), but the Legio Mortis will be needing House Malinax to support its ‘censure’ of the Thousand Sons.

Putting the Knights together was actually a little more involved than I had expected (though I was doing six at the same time), as they have a few more parts than you might think – but painting them was a doddle.


One of the downsides in getting models early is that you do not have the Great and Wise Duncan to guide you while painting, so I was more or less on my own with the knights, with only a few forum posts from gamers who had done the household for 40k scale models.

I started off in the same fashion as the titans, undercoating the whole model with Leadbelcher spray, washing it with Nuln Oil, and then drybrushing with Runefang Silver.

Simples, that completes about 70% of the model!

For the armour plates, I started with a base of Zandri Dust, washed it with Nuln Oil, and then drybrushed Ushabti Bone before a light dusting of Screaming Skull.

The Edging of the plates was more problematic, as the 40k guys had mixed paints to achieve the dull metal effect – which I am not going to do unless I can’t really help it. In the end, I took a leaf from the Star Wars models I have been working on recently, which tend to have the same dull metal on their weapons.

This was achieved with a base of Eshin Grey, and a light drybrushing of Leadbelcher – the whole lot was then washed with Nuln Oil to complete it. It ended up with just the effect I was looking for.


The last job was the orange piping (an idea I shamelessly stole off one of the 40k guys, as it provides a nice spot of colour on an otherwise battle-beaten model). This was simply Jokaero Orange as a base, washed with Carroburg Crimson, and highlighted with Fire Dragon Bright.

Overall, I rate these models as Extremely Simple to paint up effectively, and I am looking forward to variant weapons and classes to come out to really give House Malinax some weight!