I have been way slower getting round to some of the new Adeptus Titanicus models than I had originally intended – Titans get painted up within days of release, but these six Imperial Knights have been languishing somewhat, not least because only one house of knights appears in the Prospero campaign, and I had already painted those.

However, I finally opted for a household (Vyronis) and got paint on the models this weekend.


Imperial Knights are pretty simple to paint – spray with Leadbelcher, wash, drybrush, and then do the armour plates. Add a few cables and you are done. However, with these guys, I had some serious motivation problems, something that was not helped when I got the final base colours for the armour on them and decided they looked really scrappy.

Now, most models go through this stage when painting – there is a point where you start to wonder whether they will ever look any good. That stage hit me  harder than usual with these guys, and it did stall the painting a bit.

Then the Agrax wash went on over the armour plates, and everything looked good again.

Weird how that happens.


Anyway, I followed Duncan on Warhammer TV for the most part in painting House Vyronis, and it works well enough. House Malinax will, I think, always be my favourite, but it will be good to have a variant household to field on occasion.

Looks like these were done just in time too, as I have just received word that the Warhound Titans are released next week…