I picked up the Hades Breaching Drill some time ago, primarily because it was fairly inexpensive and looked extremely easy to paint. Which, to be fair, are likely the two most common reasons to purchase any model…

It was originally intended for the Ultramar Auxilia – not because I had a specific scenario in mind for the Plague War campaign, but merely because they are the only Militarum army I have, so where else was it going to go?

And that was what I fully intended, right up to the point where I had finished undercoating it. Then I had a thought…

Suppose I painted it for the Death Korps of Krieg? I had just done a unit of Krieg Guardsmen as a testbed for the Slapchop method, and their whole style kinda lent itself more to the Breaching Drill, I thought. Plus, it would also serve as a testbed for using the Slapchop method on (small) vehicles.

And, I think it turned out well.

However, I have to say, I am not starting a Death Korps of Krieg army. Repeat after me: I am not doing a new army. This is just a test. I promise.

After the drybrush preparations, I used the same two coats of Space Wolves Grey Contrast on the hull, and I could see immediately that it was going to work (not so sure about larger vehicles like the Leman Russ). For the metal sections, I used the same trick as on my Black Orc Blood Bowl team, using Basilicum Grey lightly edged in Stormhost Silver to give it the proper metallic look while still keeping things dirty (it spends much of its time crashing through walls, after all).

For the tracks, I decided to try something a little bit new – instead of shiny metal, I went for a more hardened ‘rubberised’ feel, using Black Templar. Think I am going to start doing that on more of my tanks…

Finally, the drill bits. These started off with the same Basilicum Grey/Stormhost Silver as the other metal parts, but I wanted something dirtier. To begin with, I dabbed Agrax onto them, but it was still not quite ‘there’. So, I picked up the Typhus Corrosion and used that as well.


Now, that really is all I managed to accomplish last weekend, but it made a powerful impact on the Pile of Shame, and I am hoping to keep this momentum going until the New Year. At the moment I am working on a new vehicle for the Prospero Space Wolves, but I am already eyeing up a couple of new Blood Bowl teams…